Joni Bryan- The 917 Society Founder/Executive Director

With a background in social work, teaching and non-profit work, Joni has seen the impact that inspiration can have on the trajectory of a person’s life. When asked by a retired lawyer if she had read her Constitution, she was inspired to take action and make a difference. Thus began her mission to empower our youth with a sense of ownership to the document, as it belongs to all citizens. She is passionate that our youth of today appreciate our Constitution and understand the relevance of it in their lives for the present and the future. The 917 Society does this by honoring Constitution Day each September 17th in our 8th grade classrooms across America per federal mandate 108-447.

 The 917 Society is on a mission to ensure our youth read and understand our Constitution and for 2023 they are providing over 1 million 8th graders across all 50 states this year their own individual copies of the Constitution to honor September 17th, Constitution Day.

To donate, volunteer or to learn more about The 917 Society, visit