Fellow American,
The most important things in life are faith, family, and freedom. That’s not just a slogan, these happen to be the foundations of our great country. That is why I am fighting every day to preserve them.
Faith. Our nation began with the bold declaration that all men are created equal by God, and that our rights derive from Him and not the government. The founders insisted that faith must remain central to our national identity because, as George Washington summarized, “religion and morality are indispensable supports” of our republic. Like so many American households through the generations, in our house we instill faith in the hearts of our children, serve God, and serve people.
Family. Stable, happy families are the basis of any thriving society, and public policy should always acknowledge this obvious truth. Strengthening the nuclear family should be a top priority, and government should get out of the way and respect parental rights. Kelly and I have been very intentional about passing along the values of hard work, honor, and sacrifice to our children, just as our parents passed them along to us. For nearly two and a half centuries, this has been the American way.
Freedom. It is a self-evident truth that God endows all of us with inherent freedoms, such as the natural and unalienable rights to life, liberty, conscience, and the ability to pursue happiness, own property, build wealth and defend ourselves and our families. The purpose of government is to secure these rights, and the ideas we advance should always aim to maintain and increase the liberty of the American people. I’ve devoted my life and career to fighting for those fundamental freedoms and traditional values, first in the courts as a constitutional law attorney, and now in the Congress.This is a simple truth: America is the freest, most powerful, most successful nation in the history of world – but we cannot maintain that status if we are led by politicians who hate the very foundations that made us who we are! Mike Johnson US Congress