Our Mission


The purposes of the CCRP shall be to promote Republican ideals, values, and Republican elected officials across Tennessee while, at the same time, helping Republican nominees defeat Democrats in general elections. This includes fostering the growth and strength of the CCRP in both membership and funds.

  • We believe in American exceptionalism.
  • We believe the United States of America is unlike any other nation on earth.
  • We believe America is exceptional because of our historic role — first as refuge, then as defender,and now as exemplar of liberty for the world to see.
  • We affirm  as did the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • We believe in the Constitution as our founding document.
  • We believe the Constitution was written not as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant.
  • We believe our constitutional system — limited government, separation of powers, federalism,and the rights of the people — must be preserved uncompromised for future generations.
  • We believe political freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. When political freedom and economic freedom are separated — both are in peril; when united, they are invincible.
  • We believe that people are the ultimate resource— and that the people, not the government, are the best stewards of our country’s God-given natural resources.
  • As Americans and as Republicans we wish for peace — so we insist on strength. We will make America safe. 
  • We seek friendship with all peoples and all nations, but we recognize and are prepared to deal with evil in the world.

Based on these principles, this platform is an invitation and a roadmap.  It invites every American to join us and shows the path to a stronger, safer, and more prosperous America. This platform is optimistic because the American people are optimistic.

Monthly Meeting this Tues evening at 7 pm

Please join us this Tuesday evening at 7 pm for our Monthly Republican Party Meeting in the court room of the Public safety building in Huntingdon TN. Senator Stevens will be giving us an update on the legislative happenings during this past session. Also will be...

from Chairman Ostiguy about Trump Indictment

Letter from the Chairman, By now I’m sure ya’ll have heard President Trump has been Indited. I implore you to stay calm and wait to see what happens next week. I know if you feel anything like me you are angry. This is what the other side wants. For us to lash out. To...

March 28 CCRP Meeting

March Meeting on Tuesday March 28th @7 pm in the court room of the Public Safety Building in Huntingdon... Discussing the decision to hold primary or caucus for next election cycle and also setting date for Pasta & Politics dinner for this year. Our executive...